Last night was the best ever night in my life, as I proposed to the lovely ~~*Drags*~~ ..... and folks... (your waiting for the answer, as I was

) she said..... wait for it.... YES ! .....

woohooo baby, we're going to chapel and we're gonna get married.
That we are my baby, that we are!!!
But we're not getting married in a chapel :P
no cos the lightening bolt would burn your arse
Congrats to Casp n Drags. About time you brought Drags a ring. All the best for the future, live long, prosper n breed ;)
:o oh my god! you actually got round to ask her then?!... AND she said "yes"???
well done!... i wish you both all the very very best hunny, that's really really grand.
all our luv to you both,
paul, shiv 'n' kel
OMFG does that mean u 2 r gonna have sex now...
getting married huh? what a way to ruin the perfect relationship.....just joking
Congrats and all the very best to you both
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