22 June 2006

Yahoo!7 Messenger 8 - Beta Released

The latest steaks for IM supremacy has seen Yahoo!7 release Yahoo!7 Messenger 8 Beta. This release brings significant changes, the biggest of all is the new plug-in module. Yep, you can build modules that folks can install into messenger (just like the Launchcast, 360, Answers, Maps, eBay & Amazon ones).

Plug-ins can interact with Messenger in a couple of ways:

  • Tab plug-ins will allow you to display information in Messenger windows

  • Conversation plug-ins will let you interact with other users

Some of the plug-ins are kinda nifty, like if you want to watch your eBay bids from Yahoo, or check the latest 360 Yahoo post of your friends. Another improvement is the ability to send larger file/folders to friends, this has increased to a whopping 1GB.

You can also create your very own Yahoo!7 Radio Station and share the music your listening to with friends. Sadly though, this version of Messenger is now a step ahead of the new YtunnelPro and as such incompatible.

19 June 2006

Y!TunnelPro V2.5 Build 420 BETA

Y!TunnelPro version 2.5 has just been released onto the market in BETA form only. You will need to have a legitimate registration key in order to download and test this BETA release. However it is an incremental upgrade (ie: version 2.0 to 2.5) and as such is limited on new features.

The author states that it is mostly the software architecture that has changed with this release. This means there is more behind the scenes changes rather than new features. The update does include a new plug-in system for 'stored message cache' and 'i-Tunes' plug-in and 'Deny-A-Buddy'. The upgrade also reports to include a new icon pack, which will mostly be Anime.

I'm yet to download this BETA release and test it out, but will hope to do so soon with the intent to post a review. I am keen to find out if the boot protection system has improved and would like to explore the plug-in system future.

12 June 2006

Y! + MSN = Interoperability

We first posted here that Yahoo Messenger & MSN were to join force by the first half of 2006. Well it seems this venture is a little harder to achieve than first thought, however there is still light at the end of tunnel.

According to Leah's post (an official WLM insider) the project is underway. There is also a lot of buzz here and here on the net that WLM is about to release their full version which will offer interoperability with Yahoo. The released date has been leaked out for 16th June 2006.

Fact or fiction, fingers crossed this world first will be released soon. We don't know yet the full list of functions with chatting to Y! friends on WLM and vice-versa. But we will keep you posted as more information comes to hand.

01 June 2006

IMBrella releases free ChatChecker for home users

Take back control of instant messaging

Child molesters, cyber-bullies and con artists exploit popular IM networks to lure new, unsuspecting victims. They often trick kids into believing that they have similar interests and are even known to pose as kids themselves. In reality any online “friend” is still a stranger, and can be a clear and immediate threat to your family.

ChatChecker is a powerful and easy-to-use parental control system for instant messaging. The free ChatChecker service lets you capture and record instant message conversations on up to 6 computers in your home. Once installed, you can login from any web connection to review instant messaging activity within the last 24 hours, receive usage summaries, and set up or change your watch-word alerts.


• Captures and records instant message conversations on up to 6 PCs at home
• View conversations privately from any PC on the Internet
• Receive daily usage summary via email
• Be alerted to dangerous conversations or watch-words via email
• Records AOL, MSN, Yahoo, Trillian and ICQ conversations (MySpace coming soon)
• Built-in acronym checker (ex: POS = "Parent Over Shoulder")
• Discover inappropriate or sexual content
• Virtually invisible on the PC where its installed
• Reveal both sides of Instant Message conversations

To get started, click the Get Started button on the left, and install ChatChecker recording software on each PC you want to monitor. After installing, you will receive an email with your sign-in information to the ChatChecker website.

For more advanced features, including access to recorded chats since installation, receiving conversations via email, and restricting when your children can instant messaging, please read about ChatChecker Plus.

[as posted on their site - this is not the views or words of my own]